All about alignment

If you ask a chiropractor what chiropractic is all about? They would probably say chiropractic is all about alignment.  Vertebra can misalign (subluxate) when the body is overwhelmed by stress.   It could be physical stress like a car accident, a fall, the lack of exercise or even the wrong exercise.  Even certain repeated movements during work or daily activities can cause your spine to misalign (subluxate).  For example, holding your head forward and hunching your back to look at your phone or computer can cause subluxations and has become know as “Forward Head or Text Neck“.

Text Neck alignment
Body in alignment

Vertebra can miss-align due to overwhelming mental or emotional stress.  The body tightens up affecting your posture and movement.  Typically we don’t sleep well while experiencing a lot of stress and our breathing may even become shallow.  We are more vulnerable to vertebral subluxations in these situations. At these times our body can be more prone to physical injury.

The vertebra can also misalign or (subluxate) because of chemical, nutritional, or environmental stress as well.  Poor diet affects muscle tone. Muscles attached to bones with poor muscle tone leaves them more vulnerable to subluxations.  Chemical stresses can also include medications (many of which also have their own side effects).  These chemical stresses can leave us less able to self correct after muscle spasms and contribute to feelings of joint pain.  Often times a combination of these stresses overwhelm the body and causes subluxations.

The spinal column houses the nervous system that controls the whole body. A Chiropractor taps into this central system and lines things up so the systems are unimpeded and working at there best. That’s why it’s all about alignment.

~Dr. Robert Gensler


To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gensler give us a call at 617-332-5105 or click here to request an appointment online.

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Our office will be closed for vacation the week of May 20th

& will re-open Tuesday morning May 28th
